Human Rights Watch
Established more than 40 years ago, Human Rights Watch is one of the leading human rights organizations in the world. We work in over 90 countries with staff representing 77 nationalities. To maintain our independence, we refuse any government funding. One of our signature strengths has been our work on peace and security, where we strive to prevent atrocities and curb them as they happen, and we improve the lives of people at risk of conflict by protecting education, healthcare, and basic needs. We advocate for long-term policy changes needed to tackle the root causes and drivers of conflict or crises, and lay the groundwork for stability in conflict zones to enable humanitarian organizations to set up operations. When we succeed in securing long-term policy changes, our work can benefit thousands, hundreds of thousands, and sometimes millions of victims of the abuses we investigate. To learn more, watch this short video describing how we achieve impact and visit
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