Peace and Security Funders Group


Join PSFG’s Efforts to Increase Funding for Peace and Security Issues, Especially Locally-Led Efforts
The Peace and Security Funders Group (PSFG) is a network of foundations and individual philanthropists investing in peace and global security. While peace and global security are critically important to all of humanity, less than 1% of philanthropic dollars go towards these efforts! Moreover, the funding rarely reaches those closest to the problems who need it most: local actors.

We encourage you to use our Peace & Security Funding Map to familiarize yourself with the landscape of peace and security funding, and figure out where you might plug in. Then read the short op-ed by PSFG’s Managing Director Cath Thompson on why supporting locally-led efforts is more important than ever. Then dive in with our guide, FUNDING LOCALLY-LED PEACEBUILDING: Guiding Principles and Strategies for Funders, to learn how you can better support locally-led peacebuilding. Finally, to learn more about PSFG’s work, get additional resources, and see other ways you can join us, visit


Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)


The Philanthropy Workshop